Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Tooth Fairy Visits

On Friday the Tooth Fairy came to visit our classroom!  Actually, it was Mrs. Thorburn, our school's tooth tutor.  Every Friday Mrs. Thorburn is here at HCS to provide instruction in good dental habits.

Mrs. Thorburn led a discussion about proper brushing and flossing habits.  She shared her mouth model (I think she calls it Mr. Big Mouth) and used it as her model for brushing and flossing routines.

She also showed them Mr. Yucky Mouth...a model with advanced tooth decay!  It was REALLY  yucky!  Lots of cavities and gum disease!

Your child brought home a new toothbrush on Friday!  I hope it's being put to good use so no one ends up with a Mr. Yucky Mouth!!!

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