Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Today was a super day! I'm SO happy that our hurricane was so tame and we had power and school today! This afternoon everyone dressed up and we had our very entertaining Fun-O-Ween! We rotated through 9 stations. Bean bag toss, Ghosts In the Graveyard, Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin, freeze dance, limbo, coloring, bowling and musical chairs! Well...I thought there were 9, but I guess it was only 8! Maybe it felt like 9! We had a great time and the sixth graders who traveled with us were so helpful! Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Writing Share October

Here are some pictures from the sharing practice in our classroom. We practiced before visiting our kindergarten buddies! Look carefully at their faces...they are engaged and excited about sharing their work! They are actually listening to each other and asking questions and giving comments.


These are our kindergarten buddies listening to first grade authors! I'm not sure they are as excited but they get cookies at the end...maybe that's motivation enough! Most did seem to enjoy hearing the "big kids" read their books!

Writing Sharing!

Last week every child in our class chose a "best piece" of writing to share. We spent some time practicing how to share. The first step was to have a circle share where each student chose one line from his/her story to tempt the listeners into wanting to hear more. It was a lot of fun! I suggested that they could "pass" their turn by looking at the next friend in the circle. In the first video clip you'll hear me whisper, "Pass your turn" after almost every child! They were each so pleased to have successfully read a sentence and were abuzz with excitement! They seemed to forget someone else was waiting to go next! Later we went to Mrs. Johnson's kindergarten room to share with kindergarten buddies. Our class sat in an inner circle while Mrs. Johnson's class sat around our class. They were so quiet while reading that you can barely hear some of them on camera! I also didn't do a very good job recording...I was trying not to step on those cute little kindergarteners! Afterward, Mrs. Johnson chose buddy partners and each first grader read their entire story to a kindergartener. Then we shared Tang orange drink and Nilla wafers to celebrate!  I have pictures of most, if not all, partnerships reading and listening that I'll share in a later post! I think the first video is the most fun because you get a sense of how proud they are while sharing! The second video was taken with an "audience" of other teachers and students so they are quiet and shy...still proud, just less "showy" about it!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Firefighters Visit

Today, two of our local volunteer firefighters visited the kindergarten, first and second grade classes.  As one big group we reviewed fire safety tips and one of the firefighters put on all his gear.  He crawled on the floor and reminded the kids that firefighters are our friends in the event of a fire!  While the equipment can be scary to see if you don't know what to expect, children should not "hide" from firefighters.  Our firefighters reminded the children that in the event of a fire at home the most important thing to do is...get out!  Make a plan with your family to meet outside!

Afterward, each class went outside to visit the fire truck.  Our class had read several books about fire trucks and they were excited to see the gold leaf lettering on the truck doors, the hoses and the tools!  You'll see the huge saw that is used to cut holes through wood or metal!  They showed us all the dials and knobs used to regulate the water...and the places where they keep air packs!  It was very interesting!  I think the kids were most excited when they loaded up on the truck and had their picture taken!  Then they each got their own fire hat to take home!  Back in the classroom I took their picture twice...first as silly first graders and then with their "serious" firefighter faces!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Latest Homework-Bugs In the Garden!

Here's Brady and Kate to help explain Friday night's homework!  Games like Bugs In the Garden are meant to be played and then kept at home!  Play as often as you like!


Friday, October 5, 2012

Capture the Coin! New homework!

Happy Friday! Here is a short video with directions on how to play Capture the Coin...tonight's new math homework! Nisha is helping me demonstrate how to play the game! And there's a clip of Oliver and I playing mid-way through the game.

All students need practice with coins.I am trying very hard not to jump in when they are unsure about coins. I am trying in each clip to give them each time to figure it out on their own. You can hear several times where Nisha says the correct answers then changes her mind to an incorrect answer and I wait while she once again changes her mind to the correct answer. Try really hard to wait and see what your child says and does with some wait time! Listen, too, as I ask a lot of questions! "What coin is this?" "What is it worth?" I say this over and over so they have many opportunities to name each coin and say its value.

Next is a short clip with Oliver and I playing the same game. Pay special attention to his counting strategies for coins!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Sharing, Wrist Bands and Open House!

Happy Monday! This week has a lot the fundraising orders were due! If you have an order at home, please send it along tomorrow! As part of the fundraising program, there were some "power of one" wrist bands given to children who turned in coupons for certain numbers of items sold OR (and here is where I come in)for doing good deeds! I filled out a coupon for each child because of all the wonderful things they do! Each child received a wrist band in their color of choice! Take a look!
Power of One
Today during snack our sharing included a bulls eye from Cole's weekend and Greta's favorite book collection!
From October Sharing
From October Sharing
This week is the start of a new month and October happens to be Fire Safety month! We have a visit from a local fire fighter planned! He'll bring a fire truck and show the various fire equipment on a truck. He will put on all his fire gear and explain the use of each piece of special equipment. Hopefully, each child will have a chance to sit inside the fire truck! Yippee! I've begun reading fire safety books and we'll talk about some plans each family might consider putting in place. Today our discussion was about fire extinguishers. If your family has a fire extinguisher, please show your child where it is kept and talk about how and when it might be used. If you don't have a fire extinguisher, you might consider purchasing one! We talked about how a fire extinguisher can keep a small fire from becoming a BIG fire! We've begun planning a few surprises for you for our annual Open House on October 3rd! The dinner begins at 5:00. Classrooms open at 5:45 and stay open until 7:00. Hope to see you all there!