Friday, August 28, 2015

Twin Pop Math

The first few lessons of the first grade math curriculum teaches counting by 2's using popsicle sticks. After several lessons including a graph of favorite flavors and a growing pattern chart, it was twin pop time! Today was the perfect day for popsicles! We headed outside (popsicles can be very "drippy") to enjoy our twin pops! No time for talking, just lots of slurping!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

First Graders Hard at Work

In these pictures you'll see how hard first graders work! They are writing and coloring their "First Day of First Grade" books. There's nothing like sharp pencils and brand new crayons! (Click on the slide show pictures to see a larger version)

Meet Miss Hamner

This fall our class is joined by University of Vermont student intern, Kiah Hamner. Kiah comes to us from Georgia, Vermont where she lives with her family. Each morning she drives all that way to be with us! She will be learning how to be a teacher by sharing the teaching responsibilities with me.  I will supervise her throughout the semester as well as her UVM supervisor.  In November she will solo teach for two weeks.  I am excited to have her join us and she's already a wonderful addition to our classroom!  Please welcome Miss Hamner when you visit!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

First Day!

What a wonderful first day of school! Everyone arrived ready for a fun day! The first days can be tiring for youngsters and we try to provide many opportunities for movement. You'll see in the slide show that we spent some extra time outside for recess-much to everyone's delight! Happy, smiling faces! Some of those little feet didn't stop moving which made it hard to capture those faces in a photo! Check out these brand new first graders enjoying the playground! (If you click on the slide show, you can see a larger version! Enjoy!)