Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Police Chief Koss Visits!

Today we had a visit from our police chief, Frank Koss. He told us about all of the tools he uses as a police officer...handcuffs, pepper spray, a walkie-talkie and a computer! He talked about how his job is to keep people safe and he told us about ways he can do that. He also shared about the new police station which will hopefully be done in February. The children asked him about how much training a police officer needs and what is his favorite thing to do as a police officer! We had a short discussion about his gun...he's never had to fire it which made his gun much less appealing! Many were hoping for an exciting story about shooting his gun, but he explained that the only police who shoot guns a lot are those you see on TV...fake police! You may not know this, but Chief Koss was a California Highway Patrolman for many years before coming to Vermont! Thanks to Chief Koss for visiting first grade today!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Local Firefighters Visit!

This was a very exciting week! On Tuesday, two Hinesburg Firefighters came to visit AND they brought a fire truck! Our visit began in the cafeteria where Firefighter Jim demonstrated the fire equipment worn by firefighters. He was wearing the protective pants and boots, but added the protective hood, jacket and helmet. Then Jim put on the air pack and talked through the mouthpiece. A few children were scared by his gear, but he kept emphasizing how important it is to yell to a firefighter if they're ever in a burning house and NOT to hide!

Then we went outside where Firefighter Eric showed us the fire and rescue trucks. They saw inside all of the compartments and talked about the saws and hoses and axes! They even got a chance to hop inside the fire truck!

Check out these future firefighters!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Walking Program

Students at HCS in grades k-2 are participating in a walking program to promote exercise and a healthy lifestyle. For every mile they walk, they receive a small foot charm to put on a necklace. The necklace is kept here at school so that it doesn't become lost. We walk together as a class and they've earned one foot so far! Here they are on a lap around the school this week! It was a beautiful week for walking!