Friday, September 28, 2012

First Math Homework!

Reading groups are well underway and children are bringing home books each night.  On Thursday one group read a book called Making Salsa.  Of course...we made salsa!  We put in some tomato, green pepper, jalapeno (very little!), cilantro and onion.  With a dash of lemon juice, salt and pepper, we were done!  Everyone tried just a bite, but could have plain chips if the salsa was not to their liking!  To their own amazement, they loved the salsa!  Check out the pics of the very busy cooks at work!

This week  your child is bringing home the very first math homework.  This task is one which your child should be very familiar with.  We've played the game together in class and we spent some time practicing how to teach you to play at home.  The underlying math concepts are graphing and probability along with some coin could also spend time talking about the value of each coin and the cumulative value as you play.  I'm not a movie maker, but with the help of Hannah and Peter, we've created a little video to show you how we play this game in the classroom.  (It's very strange to hear your own voice on I really sound like that?)

Enjoy your weekend and the math game!!!

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