Friday, September 28, 2012

First Math Homework!

Reading groups are well underway and children are bringing home books each night.  On Thursday one group read a book called Making Salsa.  Of course...we made salsa!  We put in some tomato, green pepper, jalapeno (very little!), cilantro and onion.  With a dash of lemon juice, salt and pepper, we were done!  Everyone tried just a bite, but could have plain chips if the salsa was not to their liking!  To their own amazement, they loved the salsa!  Check out the pics of the very busy cooks at work!

This week  your child is bringing home the very first math homework.  This task is one which your child should be very familiar with.  We've played the game together in class and we spent some time practicing how to teach you to play at home.  The underlying math concepts are graphing and probability along with some coin could also spend time talking about the value of each coin and the cumulative value as you play.  I'm not a movie maker, but with the help of Hannah and Peter, we've created a little video to show you how we play this game in the classroom.  (It's very strange to hear your own voice on I really sound like that?)

Enjoy your weekend and the math game!!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Fantastic Fig Friday!

I bet you're asking, "What's 'Fantastic Fig Friday'? Well, this week one of the spelling words was 'fig.' It turns out no one knew what a fig was, although a few had eaten Fig Newtons! I went to look for figs! We decided we'd call Friday "Fantastic Fig Friday!" I never did find any fresh figs, but I found dried figs and Fig Newton cookies. At snack today everyone tried a bit of dried fig (not a big hit!) and the cookies (a much bigger hit). I think the texture was a bit of a turn off...lots of crunchy seeds!

Then, when we were in the middle of spelling, the fire alarm went off!  OK, I knew it was going to happen today, but I didn't want anyone spending time worrying.  We had had a long discussion right after Number Corner about what a nice day it was and how it would be a good day for a fire drill!  I explained to them that the alarm is very loud for a make sure EVERYONE hears it!  We discussed adrenaline and how it makes you feel very excited inside and helps you get out of situations that can become dangerous...and how that's very important!  So, when the alarm went off, every single one of us jumped from the noise and then got in line and walked out!  Not a tear was shed and no one was even nervous!  Off we went without a hitch!

Here's a silly picture of Oliver in one of the cubbies...he wasn't sure about coming out of the cubby and getting started with his day, but didn't mind having his picture taken!

During a discussion about "sharing", Ethan and Gracie modeled for our class what sharing sounds like between friends!  Way to go, Ethan and Gracie!
It seems I've shared our week in reverse...on Monday, Mr. O'Hara came to read to us!  He shared three short books that his four-year-old daughter really enjoys!  The class did, too!!!

Kids Love Writing!

I wish I could show you all the wonderful moments that happen during writing...when I share the schedule in the morning, children exclaim, "I love writing!" If we've missed writing for some reason, I hear a chorus of groans! They are wonderful little writers, too!

 Our writing unit is currently focusing on routines and writing focused on personal experiences we call "small moments." Each child writes about something that has happened to him or to her. Now, we have some budding fiction and non-fiction writers who just can't help writing about things they "know a lot about." I'm not in the business of squashing anyone's hopes and dreams and right now I'm focusing on developing a love for the written word! So far, so good!

 Every 4-6 weeks, their writing will come home for you to see! We'll also look at their work at conferences. I've kept some samples and will continue to do so as the year progresses!

Here are some comments from the end of writing when I asked to collect the folders to read at night..."I've got a really long story-I hope you have time to read it!" and "Mine is kind of sad, but don't worry, the ending is happy!" and "Be careful! Mine is scary!" (I promised not to read his story before bed!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Thai Teacher Teaches Games!

This week our class was lucky enough to meet twice with "Kru Nina", the visiting teacher from Thailand. On Monday, she met with our class along with Mrs. Branch's and Mrs. McGuire's first grades. On Monday, we met in the flex space next to the cafeteria to learn a game called "Rabbit On One Leg." In a small space several children were chosen to be the rabbits. The rabbits had to jump on ONE leg (no small feat) to try and catch the runners running about the space! What a way to end the day...they were pooped when done jumping!!!

On Wednesday, we met outside. The first game she taught was called...well, I don't remember what it was called, but it was a running/chase game. It was actually quite a bit of fun and required some listening on the part of the players! The second game was called the "Monkey Game" but was really just Monkey in the Middle from our own childhoods! Oddly enough, most of them had never played this game! The "twist" is that we had TWO balls going...luckily they were soft, as several kids were hit in the head when they weren't watching the balls!

 Thanks, Kru Nina! We'll see her again next week for some storytelling!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Snack Time Sharing

Here's a little look into sharing in our class...Henry shared about attending golf camp! He was kind enough to demonstrate a golf swing for those of us who know very little about golf! And Brady shared some of his favorite snakes during his share time...he knows his teacher is somewhat afraid of snakes and still chose to share them! I can feel the love!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

A new year begins...

Hello to a new crop of viewers! I will try to update this blog as often as I can! I will share pictures of your kiddos to give you a view into our classroom during our day! This first slideshow includes pictures from our "extra recess" time and from writing and math. The last two slides show the insect that we've been watching for three days. The hornet keeps coming back to our thermometer-on the OUTside of the window! I took a photo of three books I read this week that were particularly interesting to the class. I tried to get at least one picture of each child, however, some of your children are somewhat camera shy! I will work at it a little harder next week! Enjoy!