Monday, December 14, 2015

Santa's Stuck!

On Friday we read a story called Santa's Stuck by Rhonda Gowler Greene. In the story Santa eats too many sweets at one house and then...he can't get back up the chimney! The reindeer, the dog, cat and even the mice in the house try everything to help Santa get back to his sleigh. Ask your child to tell you how the story ends! Each child then made a picture of Santa as he was the chimney!

Then each child wrote about how they would help Santa out of the chimney! Some kids decided they'd use a feather to tickle Santa or soap to help him slip out or a rope to pull Santa! Read these to hear about how a few first graders might help a stuck Santa get out of YOUR chimney. (It's interesting to note that not one child suggested leaving HEALTHY treats for Santa this year!!! Ha, ha!)

"Help Santa said.  I need to go and help Santa to get Santa out of the chimney.  I used a rope to get Santa out of the chimney."

"Help! cried Santa.  I'm stuck!  I tied a rope to the sleigh and pulled but he didn't budge so I put in soap and tumbled down."

"Oh, no!  Santa's stuck.  The reindeer push on Santa's head while I tickle Santa with a feather, but Santa's stuck."

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