Thursday, October 18, 2012

Firefighters Visit

Today, two of our local volunteer firefighters visited the kindergarten, first and second grade classes.  As one big group we reviewed fire safety tips and one of the firefighters put on all his gear.  He crawled on the floor and reminded the kids that firefighters are our friends in the event of a fire!  While the equipment can be scary to see if you don't know what to expect, children should not "hide" from firefighters.  Our firefighters reminded the children that in the event of a fire at home the most important thing to do is...get out!  Make a plan with your family to meet outside!

Afterward, each class went outside to visit the fire truck.  Our class had read several books about fire trucks and they were excited to see the gold leaf lettering on the truck doors, the hoses and the tools!  You'll see the huge saw that is used to cut holes through wood or metal!  They showed us all the dials and knobs used to regulate the water...and the places where they keep air packs!  It was very interesting!  I think the kids were most excited when they loaded up on the truck and had their picture taken!  Then they each got their own fire hat to take home!  Back in the classroom I took their picture twice...first as silly first graders and then with their "serious" firefighter faces!

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