Thursday, September 3, 2015

Monarch Caterpillars

As you can see, we have visitors this week!  Eli brought two Monarch caterpillars that he found last weekend!  When you see them attach and make this "J" shape, it's not long before they transform into the chrysalis form.  Yesterday the first of the two caterpillars transformed while we were all away at lunch.  Today I was determined we wouldn't miss it!  They start to wiggle a lot and you know it's going to happen soon...

Just as we began math the transformation started!  Math halted and we all watched as our caterpillar became a chrysalis!  The bottom splits and they wiggle the caterpillar skin up until it falls off with just the chrysalis left.

Here it's almost done.  Don't the kids look funny as seen through the plastic container?!!!  Now we wait again until we have butterflies!

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