Friday, September 28, 2018

Ready For Radio?

Today I taught the class a fun song!  It's called "Be Kind To Your Web-footed Friends" and it's just silly and very short!  They giggled and laughed and we shot this music video so you could see how fantastic our Friday was today!

Click here to watch the video!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Measuring With Popsicle Sticks

As you can see, we do a lot with popsicle sticks!  And because we often have them all over the floor, I warn the class early on that these particular popsicle sticks do NOT belong in their mouths!  This math lesson helps children practice measuring using nonstandard units.  They used popsicle sticks to measure a rug, window, table chair, and a friend!  See more pictures by clicking here.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Yoga and Read Aloud

As you know, Ms. McMahon is our student teacher from the University of Vermont.  Here she is reading to your children yesterday.  She's reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom at the beginning of our Fundations lesson. 

Our very busy days mean that children need a way to get the wiggles out.  There's an online yoga "celebrity" that teaches yoga to children through stories.  (I might be the only one who calls her a celebrity!)  The woman who stars in the videos has a lovely Australian accent and I think they're mesmerized by the sound of her voice!  This particular story is about monkeys and other jungle animals.  You can see them using their "binoculars" on the safari.   Click here to see more yoga pictures.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Tally Marks

Another math skill for first grade is counting by 5s and tally marks are a good way to practice.  Today we used popsicle sticks to practice making tally mark bundles.  (I promise those aren't the popsicle sticks from yesterday's popsicles!)


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Puzzles and Popsicles

During reading time at this time of year, most children don't read well enough to read independently for sustained periods.  So some of their "other" activities need to be fun and engaging, but also independent.  Puzzles are a great way for children to practice teamwork and cooperation. 

Click here to see more pictures of the class puzzle teams! (Link below for popsicle pics)

Our first math unit uses twin pops to practice counting by 2s.  Since it's been so HOT, it seemed appropriate to eat popsicles at school!  As you can see by their faces, these children really enjoyed their twin single pops!  (They didn't have any TWIN pops at my three closest grocery stores so they got single pops two days in a row!)  Click here to see more popsicle pics!