Monday, September 23, 2013

Pirate Day and popsicle sticks!

Argh, Matey! We jumped on board when our kindergarten friends asked us to join them in dressing up like pirates! Great fun!

Our math lessons have children measuring with non-conventional objects such as unifix cubes and popsicle sticks. They've measured tables, chairs, windows, bookshelves, and each other!

It's so much fun to be a first grader!

Friday, September 13, 2013

A glimpse into our day!

Our days seem to go by so quickly! Each day is similar to all the other days. We have math in the morning (Number Corner) and a lesson in the afternoon. The following pictures show students creating patterns and pictures with pattern blocks.

Each day they have some time for writing. Here are some pictures of a few students completely engrossed in writing!

Reading is a big part of first grade and I read to the class several times each day! Students also have time each day to enjoy books on their own!

Lots of days have moments that are just FUN!