What a busy, busy week! I really enjoy my wonderful group of children! I feel so fortunate that I get to spend each day with them! They've been doing so much! Let me show you what they've been up to each day...
Here are some children writing. Each day we have a time called Writing Workshop. We begin with a mini-lesson. Early lessons were meant to explain and practice daily routines. Now our lessons are about topic choice, getting started, writing longer and perseverance even when it gets "hard." Then they spend time writing independently while I conference with individual children. I get to spend time hearing wonderful stories and helping them with individual goals...some children are learning how to write sentences and sound out words. Others can write sentences and need help making their pieces more interesting by adding details or looking at word choice or varying sentence structure. At the heart of our work is the use of "mentor texts" to exhibit a variety of writer's crafts...once familiar with a number of texts, I can pull out one of our mentor texts and say, "Remember how this author used dialogue to tell us what the characters said? You could try that in your writing!" Their books cover several pages and tell about their (and your) daily life. What wonderful little authors! Here are some more pictures!
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