AGAIN we missed our field trip to Shelburne Farms...something tells me it wasn't meant to be! I think we should skip this trip and move on!
I attended a great technology conference! I didn't even know how much I needed to learn! I look forward to trying out some new tricks with the kids and sharing our work on the class blog!
This week the class began learning about penguins. They made penguin folders along with penguin measuring tapes. For their imaginary trip to the Antarctic region, they filled out penguin passports. The unit's focus is measurement and they'll be using their penguin measuring tapes nearly every day as they learn about a number of penguins! They will make and use their own workplace games which will come home at the end of the unit for you to play and enjoy as a family.
In the homework folder you should find your child's report card for the second quarter. It's in an envelope marked, of all things, "Report Card." Inside you'll find the classroom report card, the Universal Arts (PE, art, and music) grades and a math report card. Please sign and return the envelope!
Have a snowy weekend!
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